Informational video on Prenatal Testing for Down Syndrome

An informational video on Prenatal Testing for Down Syndrome has been released for distribution. The video is a joint product of the University of Stellenbosch and the Down Syndrome Association, Western Cape, South Africa.

The video is essentially a  decision-aid to be used as a tool to assist pregnant couples in making decisions within the prenatal setting. It is to be used in conjunction with comprehensive genetic counselling.

It provides a detailed description of Down syndrome and the experiences of parents raising a child with this condition. It also explains the invasive testing procedures including amniocentesis, cvs and cordocentesis.

A decision- making tree is presented in order to inform the women or couples of the outcome of each decision.

The DVD is currently available in Afrikaans, English and Xhosa.

The script for this video was developed using guidelines for prenatal genetic counselling as well as information gathered from several focus groups. Parents raising a child with Down syndrome and health care professionals were included in the focus group discussions. The video was launched as a decision-aid in clinics and patients were asked for feedback before making the final edits.

Patients and counsellors have found it extremely helpful. Patients feel it is easy to understand and gives them a real idea of Down syndrome and testing. The only caution is that watching the DVD should be a choice as some couples have opted not to watch it. It must also be used in conjunction with comprehensive genetic counselling.

For further information about the video contact:

Dr Mike Urban, email: or Ms Chantelle Scott, email: